All about the Hollywood remake madness and its gossips by Hollywood Superinsider.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The PG-13 Scarface

Hollywood, CA – ‘I love Brian de Palma, but we need a more up-to-date imagery. The old Scarface looks like a b-movie, looks like big s**t on my big plasma. It has style, but looks like s**t’ says the new Scarface remake director Michael Bay ‘we are going for something glossier, faster… and we need Scarface unleashed, we need the badass Scarface. You wont believe the bodycount on this one.'

When asked about the PG-13 aim, Michael Bay said ‘there are changes, of course. But I’m a player, I don’t give up, I will go all the way to the end, don’t bluff me. And this one will make history for the PG-13 rating: no drugs, no sex, no blood, no heavy words, no cigarettes, and yet you'll see Scarface deadliest as the 80’s version, no… much more deadliest, mercilessness, he kills everybody, but I mean everybody. Is unreal. And it is real, it is life, based on real facts, and it is a popcorn movie. Everyone will love it.’

Enquired about the main character, Tony Montana, Michael Bay was harsh ‘No one knows Tony Montana! They know Scarface! A guy with a big scar in his face, and that’s it. And that's why we are thinking in Shia LaBeouf, I mean, he can be tough like Pacino or even tougher. Will be wild to have LaBeouf yelling ‘Say hello to my new friend! ...Jude Law will play Manny Ray. It’ll be awesome.

Apparently Scarface wont be Cuban in this version ‘the studio wanted something new, fresher’ said the director. Instead, Scarface will be Canadian: ‘why Canadians can’t be badasses?’ And also the revamped Scarface deals with illegal movie downloads instead of cocaine ‘it’s a down to earth concept, instead of hidden drug trucks, are the hidden internet servers from where Scarface make his millions and will have to pay for that. Scarface will be the ultimate geek!

But Michael Bay will have to wait; a Casablanca remake is slated to start filming in Rio de Janeiro 2010's fall with Shia playing Bogart for 2011 Oscars big time. Besides having only the name Casablanca in common with the 40’s original, Shia said that the new ending will be even better “the original ending was a kind of a downer, we decided for something more colorful, fresher.” The new script is set in Rio instead of Morocco’s capital to appeal the teen moviegoers.


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Hollywood, CA, United States
The insider who knows more than everybody else